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A aliança familiar na adaptação escolar ineficaz [Family Alliance in Ineffective School Adaptation]

LIMA, Célia M. Blini de (1991) – A aliança familiar na adaptação escolar ineficaz [Family Alliance in Ineffective School Adaptation]. Master’s Dissertation. São Paulo (SP), Instituto de Psicologia da USP, 386 pp.

 This study investigated the family psychodynamic aspects, which could be involved in ineffective school adaptation, inducting learning disabilities either with respect at formal contents or attitude that do not favor good performance. To develop this study, was used the material produced by nine children of both sexes, aged five to ten belonging to private schools and presenting school complaints. This material was obtained by using parent’s interviews, anamnesis and the Drawing-of-Family-with-Story Procedure (DF-E) applied on parents and children. Relationships between the family and the child were discussed, without reducing the difficulties of each child to the influences of the family. It was shown that it is possible to find a meaning for the symptoms, when analyzed within the personal and familiar history with access to the internal objects of the family, having psychoanalysis as theoretical basis. Unconscious fantasies of parents and children were detected in the way they appear in their manifested speech, and how these results are related with learning disabilities. Ineffective school adaptation is a consequence of development problems where the emotional aspect plays an inhibiting role. The emotional structure of the family and the actualization of its accomplishments is essential to effective school adaptation. Data revealed that families that have immaturity and insecurity traces, are connected to the past and therefore are unable to contain the anxiety of their children, an essential condition for development. They indicate the presence of parents that are apparently perfect, dedicated to attending the explicit demands referring to the education of their children. Children have expressed a particular relation with food (lack of appetite or voraciousness) and by this way maintain their mothers really engaged with them, the same occurs regarding school difficulties, revealing a lack of an internalized mother, the main nourishment to be alone. Hypothesis of failure in the primary process of introjection of reality is taken in consideration, with a consequent fixation in the early stages of development, possibly in the oral phase.

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