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A adolescente de baixa renda em situação de mãe recente: uma representação de família [The low-income teenager in the situation of a new mother: a family representation]

NUNES, M. A. de A. A adolescente de baixa renda em situação de mãe recente: uma representação de família [The low-income teenager in the situation of a new mother: a family representation]. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Recife (PE), 2007.

Available at: http://tede2.unicap.br:8080/bitstream/tede/263/1/Marcos%20Antonio_Confrontado.pdf

Abstract: The family is the individual’s first social group, a group that is of great importance, since all future social relationships will be based on it. The teenager who becomes a mother goes through two transformations: one of the phase itself, which allows her new achievements and a greater independence from her family of origin; another, the maternity condition that points to the formation of a new family nucleus, entailing responsibilities for which she is not yet properly prepared. This study aimed to understand how the low-income teenager, in her condition as a new mother, represents the family. Our research was qualitative in nature. Twelve adolescents who had given birth to their children less than a year ago participated. We used two instruments to collect the material: the first consisted in the application of the Drawing of the Family with Stories Test (DF-E); and the second the application of a semi-structured interview with a triggering question: “What is, for you, family?” With the application of the test and the interview, it was possible to identify four thematic cores: family representation; family configuration; the place of the child’s father in the adolescent’s life; and projects for the future. We verified that these adolescents still privilege a representation of family in the molds of the traditional conjugal family and that there is an association of positive feelings towards it. We observed that the adolescents that count on family support act better as mothers, even if they live in a non-traditional family configuration. The father’s place is still kept, ideally, even if the function is weakened. The plans for the future are to go back to school and work to take better care of their children. Based on the results obtained, we highlight the importance of developing programs in schools, health clinics, and spaces that work with adolescents, with themes related to sexuality, contraception, and family, as well as a work with the grandparents who take care of their grandchildren, in order to offer guidance and support.

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